July 31 - August 3, 2023 (This workshop is full)

To be added to the waiting list, please send me an email at: info@zion-photography.com to express your interest.


Pricing: $2,900 (Includes 3 nights of single occupancy lodging and transportation during workshop)

REGISTRATION: To register for this workshop, please submit your interest in the form at the bottom of this page along with the date range that you are interested in.

Olympic National Park is one of the best under the radar National Parks that I’ve experienced. There are many things that I really enjoy about this park, one of those being its diversity. There are pretty much 3 different “zones” to this park. There is a high elevation mountainous area, coastline with dramatic seastack formations, and my favorite of all, a the lush Hoh rainforest. One of the pieces of the pursuit of landscape photography that I really enjoy is that the discipline is a never ending learning journey. This park taught me quite a few things. It heightened my understanding of light, and working with “atmosphere”. A major bonus is that coming from Utah, I have a certain expectation of the levels of crowds that I plan on experiencing while visiting the National Parks. On my first trip to the park I was taken back by pulling into parking lots even to some of the rather popular areas and only seeing only a handful of other vehicles. Everything about visiting this park was so refreshing. It is quite, serene and comforting. Certain areas have a feel to them. My good friend and climbing partner Ed and I would refer to this feeling as “the magic”. Olympic National Park has “the magic”. It feels wise and nurturing. I’ve actually heard this from other friends who have visited. It is a pleasure to spend time here, slowly walking through the ancient maple forests covered in moss, looking at endless beauty and soaking in the feeling that it gives to every visitor equally. I hope you’ll join me in enjoying this enchanted landscape together!

Payment policy:

-A deposit of $750 is due at the time of booking to reserve the spot.

-The remaining balance is due 90 prior to the start date of the workshop.

Cancellation Policy:

- 90 days out or more from the workshop start date - Full refund of the deposit minus $300

- Cancellation within 90 days to 30 days before the workshop, you will receive a $1,500 refund. In the event that we can fill your spot with another participant, you will receive a full refund minus $300.

- Cancellation within 30 days of the workshop is non-refundable unless we can fill that spot. If we can, you will receive a full refund minus $300.

What’s included?: Single occupancy lodging for 3 nights, instruction and guiding. Transportation is provided to our shooting locations throughout the workshop from the hotel, however airport pickup transportation and transportation to and from non-workshop included lodging arrangements are not included. An email goes out to all registered participants to introduce each other. From there, some people may decide to team up to share a vehicle and/or hotels.

What ability level do I need to join this workshop?: This workshop is open to and is appropriate for every level of photographer. Instruction will be specifically catered to each individuals current knowledge base and learning style.

Physical requirements: The vast majority of our areas are within a mile or so. You should be in relatively good shape with the ability to hike at least 3 miles per day.

Itinerary: On our first day we will meet mid-day and we will travel up into the mountainous region of Olympic National Park. These are unique mountains with beautiful coniferous trees, and often experience dramatic low hanging clouds below us sitting in the valleys below. Hopefully we’ll get lucky and be able to incorporate some Roosevelt Elk which inhabit many areas of the park. We will shoot through sunset up in the mountains and will drive back down to the town of Port Angeles where we have lodging arranged for the night. The next morning we will arise before sunrise and make the drive back up into the mountains for one more session of shooting quality light in the Hurricane ridge area. Once light has become undesirable we will head down the mountain and will start making our way over to the areas that are closest accessed from the town of Forks, WA. We will spend the rest of the workshop based in this area, and our decisions on where to go will be based off of the forecast. The areas of interest for us will be the Hoh rainforest, and the coastline. Both areas are amazing, and offer lots of differing styles of shooting. For these remaining days we will be out for sunrise and sunset, and will be out for most of the day shooting different little pockets of the park. Depending on light, we may end up taking a short mid-day break for people to rest up. On our last day of the workshop we will shoot all the way through sunset. Be aware that you will need to make your own lodging arrangements for this night as we split up after sunset and people will be heading in all sorts of directions.